March 27, 2010


Earlier, I was laying in my bed and letting my mind wander to wherever it wanted to venture. I started thinking about birth. Ha, spiritual birth mainly but in relation to physical birth. If you know me very well you know that everything surrounding the process, idea, or thought of birth makes me cringe and cover my ears. It was where my mind took me, though, that left me very interested.

Most Christians, and even some non, know the verse when Jesus tells Nicodemus about rebirth, right? It's in John 3:1-5 and it states:

After dark one evening, a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to speak with Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you." Jesus replied, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God." "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?" Jesus replied, "The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven.

What is Jesus truly talking about here? I love LOVE God's use of metaphors throughout Scripture because they are completely packed with little nuggets of information to give insight into the deeper meaning. It's not always good to take some one's metaphor and run with it, making parallels in every way possible, but with God that's exactly what He wants you to do!

Just for a second, think about the birthing process--I know, I'm sorry, but only for a second. Okay, now think deeper about what leads to this actual act of being born. Fertilization has to take place--meaning, someone has to plant that seed in order for it to even have a chance to catch, people aren't asexual... Anyways, once the seed fertilizes the egg it begins to develop into a new life. This newly forming life must be nurtured and cared for along the way in order ensure it's growth. After sufficient growth takes place inside the comfort of the womb, the life is born and grows as a baby.

Now that we have that picture, what does it all mean and how does the rest relate? Picture the womb as the Holy Spirit. The egg being fertilized is the "old person" and the seed is most definitely the Gospel. The Gospel joins with this person in order to develop this new life that springs from old. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can supply the nutrients and protection needed to allow for this process of growth to take place. "Humans can only produce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven."

It is essential that the development within the womb isn't forced or that a premature birth takes place. This must happen naturally under the power of the Holy Spirit or the baby could come out "deformed" so-to-speak and could have much more problems than if he or she was allowed to percolate in the lab.

If you're a Christian, think of yourself as coming into a person's life somewhere in this process. Are you the seed bearer who is to fertilize or are you coming into the process a little further and one who is expected to nurture and support the building of the fetus? So many times, we as Christians get frustrated or disappointed when we don't see results. After all, we are Americans and we're known for our instant results, right?

Too bad. It's not about you.

Your job is to be the tool that God uses in any or all parts of this journey. Who knows, maybe you will have the privilege of seeing the miracle of birth, maybe you won't. Are you up for the challenge?

March 10, 2010

The Ruthless Pursuit

Today I've been in an overly joyful mood...if that's even possible. I worked from 6 to noon and was in an amazing mood even though I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I then found out that discipleship with one of my girls was cancelled because she unfortunately didn't feel well. I was bummed that we wouldn't be able to meet but that then opened up an opportunity to eat lunch with my parents and grandma who happened to be in town. On the way, I received awesome news from my best friend that her wedding is really falling into place and in ways that only God could've provided.

Now, I find myself doing errands until I'm supposed to meet with my counselor at 6. Oops, it's 6:06 and I walk in the door and she's not there. Hmmm, I know I'm late but I would think she would be sitting here waiting for me. It's 6:15. I wonder if this is even happening today. It's 6:20. People are walking past me a lot and I'm starting to feel awkward sitting her, dreading someone asking me if I'm waiting for someone. It's 6:21. I'm walking out the door.

Sure, I was a little disappointed but I didn't feel the need to meet with her today anyways. As soon as I got to my car I couldn't help but notice the amazing sky filled with a spectacular sunset. I started to head home and couldn't keep my eyes off the sky and on the road. I then find myself in a ruthless pursuit for this retreating sun.

I find myself in a race against nature--better yet, God. I find myself speeding-- safely--through the littered streets trying to get closer, higher, in a better angle to view the sun. Uh oh, it's getting later and the sun is disappearing faster and I keep hitting red lights. I finally get on the back roads and am able to speed at a safe pace and I'm literally pleading with my Pops to just hold on for a little bit longer before He hides this precious jewel from my sight.

I get closer and closer to being on higher ground and then I find myself at the most perfect spot I couldn't have even imagined when I began my quest. I emerge from a road where trees surround me but the sun is directly in the center lane.

Here it is.

I have the most amazing view of the sun that's now just getting ready to disappear behind distant trees. The sky is filtered with lush reds and deep blues with a little cloud to scatter the color even more. I jump out of my car in awe, throw away my sunglasses, and fall to the ground as I stare at the most beautiful artwork I've ever seen.

I can't help but notice birds chirping and flying all around and I play with the grass as I just sit and think about how much God pursues us and squeals in delight when we do the same. How ironic that the very lady who constantly tells me to ruthlessly pursue time and space for God is the very one who, in a way, gave me this glorious opportunity to do just that.

Maybe it isn't sunsets or skies that tickle your heart but seek God through the desires of your heart and never give up the chase. He might keep it just far enough out of reach that you almost want to give up but then, oh but then, you'll turn around the bend and His surprise will gently but powerfully embrace you with glory beyond imagination. Ruthlessly pursue time and space for God and allow Him to take you for a ride.