June 30, 2010

The Race to Beauty

Tonight, for the first time in a long time, I went for a run. Fortunately and unfortunately enough I start off several previous blogs like this, which just goes to show you how often I actually run...haha. But I love the fact that God really uses the imagery of running and exercise to illuminate what He says so often in Scripture.

As I was running tonight, I was pretty nervous at how well I'd actually do since I'm fairly out of shape. wa wa. I had a pretty good attitude about it and started off as I usually do with just focusing on my breathing and making sure I get that in a good rythm so I can last for any amount of time. The first part of running is always the hardest for me and it's always the time that takes the most coaching in myself to press forward. After a little bit, my body just adapts and almost starts trucking on its own in rythm and in step with my breathing. What I find to be a successful run is when I'm able to quickly take my mind off that initial running stage, when everything aches and when I feel I'm about to keel over. When I focus on the aspects of what makes running hard and rather painful, I tire so fast and I don't get in much distance.

It's in those times when I focus on each step, each breath, each ache that I truly fall victim to lies. Lies that I can't press on. Lies that I'm not good enough to finish strong. Lies that I never could be good enough to finish strong. Only when I look around at the beauty of nature around me and focus on what I'm blessed with and focus on what is good, only then am I able to lose sight of the pain of finishing.

This is so true in hardships that we face in life. When we start to focus on the next step and don't look forward to the future, we'll fall victim to fear and stress. Lies are going to form so much easier simply beause we've limited our vision to the pain. Why is it so much easier to enjoy the beauty of the scenary when we walk but not when we run?

It's easy.

If you are physically able-bodied, walking is not a challenge and you are free to focus on other things. Running on the other hand, is much more difficult, much more painful. It's easy to want to get it over with as quickly as possible but it's then that we fall short. It's then that we grow weary and give up. It's then that we lose heart. God doesn't only call us to focus on Him when it's easy. He calls us to focus on Him when it's hard because it is in those times that true character is built. It is in those times that true discipline takes form.

Press on my brothers and sisters and take heart for He is your strength and your song. (Exodus 15:2)

June 08, 2010

I'll Stand

Tonight, I wen't to the beach to spend time with my Abba, my God. After a few hours of reading, praying, listening, and journaling I couldn't help but stand in the waves in complete awe of my Father. This is what I wrote:

Now I stand amazed. Perplexed at the beautiful, quiet, yet ever powerful love and forgiveness of a Father who could and would never abuse any one of His children. If ever a memory I would want to burn in my memory, it woud most certainly be right now.

The most magnificent hues of violet, blue, and pink fill the sky in a way no artist could ever conjure. The gentle and warm waves crashing against my bare legs remind me of His sweet breath of life He constantly breathes into me as promised.

For years, I ignored Him. For years, I spat in His face. For years, I used and abused Him as the hope for all my dreams to come true...the American dream and a family who loved me. For years, I will give Him EVERYTHING I am and most certainly everything I am not. For years, I will love Him and worship Him.

He is my Husband, my Best Friend, my Redeemer, my Fortress. He consumes me mind, body, soul. Jehoveh-Jireh.

My God is a God of refuge. Solitude is his inner-workings and truth is His compass. He truly is THE beginning of anything that ever was, is, and will come. He truly is THE end of all evil, pain, and bitterness.

My God controls my destiny with the very same authority He controls the sun. My God takes light and scatters it against dust, salt, water, and ice particles to paint a never-ending portrait of His most beautiful character [out in the sky]. My God created the atmosphere in such a composition such that the visible spectrum and color can reach our very eyes yet the most potent of cosmic rays cannot. Yes, my God IS IN CONTROL!