September 19, 2010

He Placed Man in the Garden to Care for It

"Whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father." --Colossians 3:17

Why would God have Paul write that or even "whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, you must do all for the glory of God" in 1 Corinthians 10:37 in the Bible? How would that even be possible to constantly have on your mind and try to carry out? Does He really expect us to brush our teeth and glorify Him while doing it?

Listening to a top climatologist who was a lead author for the 2001 and 2007 IPCC Scientific Assessment on Climate Change Friday, I began to realize just how much our "little" daily decisions make an impact on the "big" picture. Climate change due to anthropogenic, or human, causes is greatly affected by our very actions. Increased use of fossil fuels for vehicles, factories, and energy plants are a tip of the iceberg in how much we impact the earth's climate system.

The epic population on this earth is so great that our demand of the earth system is exhausting the very resources given to us. We have a higher need for energy to sustain our 21-century lifestyle, which exhausts our oil reserves. We have a higher need for food and shelter, which exhausts our crops and provides less and less area to harvest that food.

As we continue to use massive amounts of fossil fuels by burning them, we are changing the composition of the atmosphere. Adding CO2 into the atmosphere creates a stronger greenhouse effect which will lead to an increase of the average global temperature. Now, when talking about global warming and an increase in temperature, we're talking about the large-scale (global) and not necessarily local scale. Some areas are going to get colder while others will get warmer because of the wind and ocean circulations. Taking the average global temperature will show that the earth is in fact warming. Yes, part of this warming is due to natural variations that are currently taking place, but I think it is rather obvious that looking at the facts will show that we as people are increasing this rate of warming.

Carbon dioxide has a residence time (how long it stays in the atmosphere) of 30 years for the first 50% added, a few centuries for the next 30%, and many thousands of years for the rest. This means that each CO2 molecule emitted into the atmosphere will stay there for a total of at least 30 years for half of them added and centuries to thousands of years longer for the other half emitted. This is just one extra emission added to the atmosphere. Methane is another that is greatly enhanced by agriculture. It is a strong greenhouse gas and greatly enhances temperature. Don't get me wrong, there are many greenhouse gases naturally in our atmosphere and are vital to our sustainability of life on earth. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFC's are all examples of greenhouse gases. Without them, our average global temperature would be significantly colder. Anthropogenic reasonings are just increasing the concentrations of them in our atmosphere.

Not to mention that our oceans are also paying a high consquence of the added CO2 in the atmosphere. The oceans are a large sink, or absorbers, of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and by increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere automatically increases the amount the oceans take in. This will, and already is, greatly increasing the acidity of the oceans in some areas. Research recently done on the western coast of North America showed significant changes in pH levels in the Pacific ocean along the coast of California. This is already showing signs of breaking down the calcium carbonate structures that make up shells for organisms in the oceans.

Even as we are only barely seeing some effects of global warming now, as you can see, there is a MUCH greater risk for the future generations. We are investing in global warming by increasing the rate of this warming exponentially. Not recycling, continuously using gasoline, leaving lights on, throwing away unnecessary things are all examples of increasing the demand on our system that then decreases the demand of our resources.

We must make a change for our future generations and for the organisms that inhabit this earth. At the current rate, we are killing ourselves or at least our grandchildren by the very actions we are doing today. Change needs to happen in order to protect our earth.

One example of direct effects is the transfer of climate patterns across the globe. Some places that have perfect average temperatures, seasons, and precipitation in areas where the soil is perfectly matched to produce a specific crop will lose those climate conditions to other areas. These climate patterns will shift farther north in the Northern Hemisphere to areas that do not have the soil to meet the needs of the crop. What about non-industrialized countries or countries that do not have a strong economy? What will happen to those citizens and those people who solely rely on their harvest each year? Wait, are they even contributing to the enhancement of global warming? Why are they paying the highest consequences for the actions of those responsible? The ones in poverty are the ones contributing the least if at all and they are the ones who will suffer the highest consequences.

It is time to live up to our duties as humans on this earth and to stand up for the health of our world to protect all those that inhabit it. As Michael Jackson once said, "Make that change!"

July 28, 2010

Selfless Love

While at work today, I became increasingly aware of human nature and the incredible selfishness of it at the core...mainly because of my own attitude and actions. God tells us to love others as much as we love ourselves (John 13:34), to look at others as more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). That's huge. Do you know how much we love ourselves? How much we gratify our own desires?

Drugs. Sex. Money. The general complaints of society today. It all stems from the love of self and looking out for good 'ol number 1. Do you think the BP execs were thinking of anything but themselves when they chose saving money over safety improvements that could've spared 11 lives and prevented the worst environmental crisis in U.S. history (USA Today)? Now, I'm not saying we should hang the guys because, well, I'm just as bad...You're just as bad. Whose to say one of us couldn't be getting that multi-million dollar severance package for those mistakes if in that position? Seriously. And that's just a sneak peek into the paper trail in the oil industry.

Growing up, parents pushed us to get a good education. Then use that education to get into a good college and earn a top-notch degree. The degree is supposed to beget a nice job where we work at schmoozing, deception, brown nosing, and false appearance--all to climb that ever growing ladder. For what? The Benjamin's. Isn't that how it works? As a result, we've created this hierarchy telling those at the top they can do as they please and those at the bottom that a closer eye will be kept on them because they'll likely screw up. It can be as small as the boss being able to get free food at the restaurant whenever he or she pleases but as soon as the minimum-wage employee takes a bite of free food, he or she no longer has a job. Wait, doesn't the boss make more money...Nevermind.

But see, this isn't so small. It's the same frame of thinking as the celebrity who gets 15 warnings for drunk driving when the impoverished man gets no warning and jail time for a year. We set values on the "top" dogs as exponentially higher than for those at the "bottom." Isn't it amazing that Christ says the first shall be last and the...well, you know ;) (Matthew 20:16)

Why? Why money, sex, and drugs as such large underlying issues? Self-gratification. Money can buy you things, respect, and fake love. Sex can relieve burning desires, the outermost layer of loneliness (only to usually deepen it), and fake love. Drugs can help you forget, temporarily alleviate pain, and provide a temporary escape. Isn't it fascinating that almost all people who reach the climax of these empires are left thinking, "Now what?"


Christ bought you from things, worldly respect, and fake love. Christ relieved you from your burning desires, all of your loneliness, and fake love. Christ helps your remember yet heal, eternally alleviate pain, and never allow you to return to it.

Love others as much as you love yourself. Think of others as more important than yourself. Wow. Imagine a world where the power of selfishness was transformed into the power of love. Maybe, just maybe, Jesus actually knew what He was talking about. Remember that the next time your tummy growls and you find yourself putting on your grumpy pants.

July 08, 2010

The Call to the Comfortable

The old-fashioned, stereotypical American dream went out of style but not before a new, more discrete dream took its place. Comfort.

Sure, the old dream is still alive and thriving for some, wanting fancier cars than the 2010 BMW they already have in 5 colors, but people get bored. After all, we like to be different and individualistic in an already fairly diverse society. The old dream will never truly die and likely will continue to exist, to an extent, in each of our hearts. Nonetheless, its replacement is much more dangerous, one the God Himself proclaims to detest. Comfort. Revelation 3:16

Get cozy and think about this plague for a minute. Or better yet, don't. Still think about it though. When did it first occur to us to ignore problems? When your brother bothered you and your mom told you to. So why did you carry that philosophy into adulthood? Same as me, it's easier to deal with, more comfortable.

When we're confronted with even a mere glimpse of pain in the world, aka the news, we complain. We complain that there should be less depressing news...but it is depressing. It's facts being given to us that we're only angry about because they bothered us. We don't like being bothered. Hmm, sure that's terrible that 500 people just got tortured and murdered in the Middle East, just don't bother me with that terrible information.

Comfort is the ultimate death. Possibly worse than cancer and definitely much slower in the consumption of its victim. We don't like boo boos, stench, hard math classes, less than cordial cherries for co-workers. What we do want to talk about is the beautiful weather, new clothes, favorite TV shows, and some "wonderful insight"...or of course complain about the terrible things that happen to us in life--you know, like the atrocity of paying 5 cents more at the pump than what the station down the road is charging. Meanwhile, our breath is wasted just as fast as the starving child in Haiti. Oops. Uncomfortable statement?

Am I condemning humanity? Of course not, not even Americans--and that's hard not to do. No, that wouldn't be fair since I'm just the same, of course, but more so because it is the way we were designed. God created us good and in His image to be relational and to love and be loved. We find peace and comfort in His arms, after all. It's warm there. Soft. Safe. Just like in our suburban home.

Hmm, but God tells us to fly out of comfort and safety in order to fulfill the destiny he set ahead. Deuteronomy 32: 11. Of course what goes on in this world is atrocious and we don't want to fill our minds with "negativity," we were never supposed to. We hate it. We weren't made for it. We oppose it. We're...offended. Now we're talking.

The only cure to comfort is the exact opposite, running into the pain. Pouring an entire bottle of alcohol onto that boo boo--not comfy but definitely healing. I've grown numb to the offense of those images, those stories, those "issues," those people--God's people. It's natural, it's a defense mechanism we've developed and originally had to shield us from the pain. I pray to God I let it die with that victimized woman who died of thirst. May I never resurrect it but replace it with the courage to fight. The courage to reverse my defense mechanism from comfort to courage. Courage isn't the absence of fear--it's the opposite. Courage is fear. Fear of being comfortable. Fear of oneself becoming too powerful. Fear of letting another image of God fall victim. "For God does not give us a spirit of timidity but of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Now there's some comfort in courage--God won't spit me out!

July 02, 2010

Reestablish Life

I've been on a bit of a reading binge as of late and only continued that today :) I just finished my most recent book, "This Present Darkness," and today I decided to start reading a much referred book called, "Irresistable Revolution." I had to work at both my job at the restaurant today and my internship but I was so enthralled by this author's message about true Christian discipleship that I ended my work day 130 pages in. I couldn't wait to blog about my thoughts during the day so I scribbled them down on a piece of paper I grabbed. Here were the thoughts God started formulating in my mind...

For the past few years I've wanted more...more out of this faith I committed to, more than this life I've been leading...more. I've been trying to find the cure to this taunting illness of chasing the temporary--temporary highs in seeing people accept Christ into their lives, temporary satisfaction in relinquishing my personal whatevers to help a friend in need, temporary devotion to "unconventionally" live for God.

Wait. Backup.

Unconventional living for God...that was the only method I tried that started to truly stir up my heart in more ways than I ever imagined. Who said Christianity and living for Christ was about reading a "sacred book?" That's nothing I want to be apart of. The truth is my faith was as stale as month old bread and I was thriving for more. I was tired of church on Sundays, Bible study on Wednesdays, and doing my best to be a good person who liked deep conversation. I knew there was more and I desparately needed it. Wait, that's all still the case.

Now I'm faced trying to decide what to do after I graduate. I've been battling my flesh in wanting to stick with the dream I once thought I was born with--the wonderful world of meteorology. Even though one part of me, the surface, desperately wanted to continue to cling to my dream, my inner-self was awakening--or the Spirit was awakening it rather. Still uncertain of what this meant, I searched and Googled different options in Chicago's inner-city. How could I be a more sincere follower of Christ than this religious propaganda I've been chasing? That I've been dooped into thinking was, well, it.

What will you do with your one and only life? A question that will plague my very soul until my dying breath evaporates into the air. A great one that I've been asked a few times by my good friend Claudia. I don't know what God will use of me but I know I will actually give Him the ability now that I've been awakened to new life. I don't want to feed the system, I want to be IN the system loving and serving! I want to be the hands and feet of Christ! I want to FINALLY experience what it is to die to myself and allow Christ to resurrect within me. I want to KNOW God and see His hand at work in a world of foolishness and craze. (1 John 4)

My eyes have finally been opened to the reality of the need to live, love, and serve alongside the dying and the hungry, the diseased and the dirt poor. Why do I complain of a headache when my fellow man is in SUCH despair? How dare I EVER cling to my "rights" when Christ demands it ALL? I want God to break me, rip me apart from myself and discard everything that is of me and NOT of Him. He calls for ALL of me. I have no rights for I died to them when I began this new life, and how dare I try to claim what is not mine.

You'll be a doormat. That's irrational. It makes me feel less.

Boo. What is foolish by this world's standards is wisdom to God. What is it to you if that homeless person you just gave 5 bucks spends it on a pack of cigs? That $5 NEVER belonged to you in the first place and the One it does belong to told you to give it to him. What more can we say and do than mere obedience? Mother Teresa said it absolutely best as she said, "God does not call me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful." That's only scratching the surface my friends. Why, if we as Christians claim to have the greatest hope there ever was, do we live the most fearful lives? As Rafiki said, "It is time."

June 30, 2010

The Race to Beauty

Tonight, for the first time in a long time, I went for a run. Fortunately and unfortunately enough I start off several previous blogs like this, which just goes to show you how often I actually run...haha. But I love the fact that God really uses the imagery of running and exercise to illuminate what He says so often in Scripture.

As I was running tonight, I was pretty nervous at how well I'd actually do since I'm fairly out of shape. wa wa. I had a pretty good attitude about it and started off as I usually do with just focusing on my breathing and making sure I get that in a good rythm so I can last for any amount of time. The first part of running is always the hardest for me and it's always the time that takes the most coaching in myself to press forward. After a little bit, my body just adapts and almost starts trucking on its own in rythm and in step with my breathing. What I find to be a successful run is when I'm able to quickly take my mind off that initial running stage, when everything aches and when I feel I'm about to keel over. When I focus on the aspects of what makes running hard and rather painful, I tire so fast and I don't get in much distance.

It's in those times when I focus on each step, each breath, each ache that I truly fall victim to lies. Lies that I can't press on. Lies that I'm not good enough to finish strong. Lies that I never could be good enough to finish strong. Only when I look around at the beauty of nature around me and focus on what I'm blessed with and focus on what is good, only then am I able to lose sight of the pain of finishing.

This is so true in hardships that we face in life. When we start to focus on the next step and don't look forward to the future, we'll fall victim to fear and stress. Lies are going to form so much easier simply beause we've limited our vision to the pain. Why is it so much easier to enjoy the beauty of the scenary when we walk but not when we run?

It's easy.

If you are physically able-bodied, walking is not a challenge and you are free to focus on other things. Running on the other hand, is much more difficult, much more painful. It's easy to want to get it over with as quickly as possible but it's then that we fall short. It's then that we grow weary and give up. It's then that we lose heart. God doesn't only call us to focus on Him when it's easy. He calls us to focus on Him when it's hard because it is in those times that true character is built. It is in those times that true discipline takes form.

Press on my brothers and sisters and take heart for He is your strength and your song. (Exodus 15:2)

June 08, 2010

I'll Stand

Tonight, I wen't to the beach to spend time with my Abba, my God. After a few hours of reading, praying, listening, and journaling I couldn't help but stand in the waves in complete awe of my Father. This is what I wrote:

Now I stand amazed. Perplexed at the beautiful, quiet, yet ever powerful love and forgiveness of a Father who could and would never abuse any one of His children. If ever a memory I would want to burn in my memory, it woud most certainly be right now.

The most magnificent hues of violet, blue, and pink fill the sky in a way no artist could ever conjure. The gentle and warm waves crashing against my bare legs remind me of His sweet breath of life He constantly breathes into me as promised.

For years, I ignored Him. For years, I spat in His face. For years, I used and abused Him as the hope for all my dreams to come true...the American dream and a family who loved me. For years, I will give Him EVERYTHING I am and most certainly everything I am not. For years, I will love Him and worship Him.

He is my Husband, my Best Friend, my Redeemer, my Fortress. He consumes me mind, body, soul. Jehoveh-Jireh.

My God is a God of refuge. Solitude is his inner-workings and truth is His compass. He truly is THE beginning of anything that ever was, is, and will come. He truly is THE end of all evil, pain, and bitterness.

My God controls my destiny with the very same authority He controls the sun. My God takes light and scatters it against dust, salt, water, and ice particles to paint a never-ending portrait of His most beautiful character [out in the sky]. My God created the atmosphere in such a composition such that the visible spectrum and color can reach our very eyes yet the most potent of cosmic rays cannot. Yes, my God IS IN CONTROL!

March 27, 2010


Earlier, I was laying in my bed and letting my mind wander to wherever it wanted to venture. I started thinking about birth. Ha, spiritual birth mainly but in relation to physical birth. If you know me very well you know that everything surrounding the process, idea, or thought of birth makes me cringe and cover my ears. It was where my mind took me, though, that left me very interested.

Most Christians, and even some non, know the verse when Jesus tells Nicodemus about rebirth, right? It's in John 3:1-5 and it states:

After dark one evening, a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to speak with Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you." Jesus replied, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God." "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?" Jesus replied, "The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven.

What is Jesus truly talking about here? I love LOVE God's use of metaphors throughout Scripture because they are completely packed with little nuggets of information to give insight into the deeper meaning. It's not always good to take some one's metaphor and run with it, making parallels in every way possible, but with God that's exactly what He wants you to do!

Just for a second, think about the birthing process--I know, I'm sorry, but only for a second. Okay, now think deeper about what leads to this actual act of being born. Fertilization has to take place--meaning, someone has to plant that seed in order for it to even have a chance to catch, people aren't asexual... Anyways, once the seed fertilizes the egg it begins to develop into a new life. This newly forming life must be nurtured and cared for along the way in order ensure it's growth. After sufficient growth takes place inside the comfort of the womb, the life is born and grows as a baby.

Now that we have that picture, what does it all mean and how does the rest relate? Picture the womb as the Holy Spirit. The egg being fertilized is the "old person" and the seed is most definitely the Gospel. The Gospel joins with this person in order to develop this new life that springs from old. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can supply the nutrients and protection needed to allow for this process of growth to take place. "Humans can only produce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven."

It is essential that the development within the womb isn't forced or that a premature birth takes place. This must happen naturally under the power of the Holy Spirit or the baby could come out "deformed" so-to-speak and could have much more problems than if he or she was allowed to percolate in the lab.

If you're a Christian, think of yourself as coming into a person's life somewhere in this process. Are you the seed bearer who is to fertilize or are you coming into the process a little further and one who is expected to nurture and support the building of the fetus? So many times, we as Christians get frustrated or disappointed when we don't see results. After all, we are Americans and we're known for our instant results, right?

Too bad. It's not about you.

Your job is to be the tool that God uses in any or all parts of this journey. Who knows, maybe you will have the privilege of seeing the miracle of birth, maybe you won't. Are you up for the challenge?

March 10, 2010

The Ruthless Pursuit

Today I've been in an overly joyful mood...if that's even possible. I worked from 6 to noon and was in an amazing mood even though I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I then found out that discipleship with one of my girls was cancelled because she unfortunately didn't feel well. I was bummed that we wouldn't be able to meet but that then opened up an opportunity to eat lunch with my parents and grandma who happened to be in town. On the way, I received awesome news from my best friend that her wedding is really falling into place and in ways that only God could've provided.

Now, I find myself doing errands until I'm supposed to meet with my counselor at 6. Oops, it's 6:06 and I walk in the door and she's not there. Hmmm, I know I'm late but I would think she would be sitting here waiting for me. It's 6:15. I wonder if this is even happening today. It's 6:20. People are walking past me a lot and I'm starting to feel awkward sitting her, dreading someone asking me if I'm waiting for someone. It's 6:21. I'm walking out the door.

Sure, I was a little disappointed but I didn't feel the need to meet with her today anyways. As soon as I got to my car I couldn't help but notice the amazing sky filled with a spectacular sunset. I started to head home and couldn't keep my eyes off the sky and on the road. I then find myself in a ruthless pursuit for this retreating sun.

I find myself in a race against nature--better yet, God. I find myself speeding-- safely--through the littered streets trying to get closer, higher, in a better angle to view the sun. Uh oh, it's getting later and the sun is disappearing faster and I keep hitting red lights. I finally get on the back roads and am able to speed at a safe pace and I'm literally pleading with my Pops to just hold on for a little bit longer before He hides this precious jewel from my sight.

I get closer and closer to being on higher ground and then I find myself at the most perfect spot I couldn't have even imagined when I began my quest. I emerge from a road where trees surround me but the sun is directly in the center lane.

Here it is.

I have the most amazing view of the sun that's now just getting ready to disappear behind distant trees. The sky is filtered with lush reds and deep blues with a little cloud to scatter the color even more. I jump out of my car in awe, throw away my sunglasses, and fall to the ground as I stare at the most beautiful artwork I've ever seen.

I can't help but notice birds chirping and flying all around and I play with the grass as I just sit and think about how much God pursues us and squeals in delight when we do the same. How ironic that the very lady who constantly tells me to ruthlessly pursue time and space for God is the very one who, in a way, gave me this glorious opportunity to do just that.

Maybe it isn't sunsets or skies that tickle your heart but seek God through the desires of your heart and never give up the chase. He might keep it just far enough out of reach that you almost want to give up but then, oh but then, you'll turn around the bend and His surprise will gently but powerfully embrace you with glory beyond imagination. Ruthlessly pursue time and space for God and allow Him to take you for a ride.

February 25, 2010

The Plaguing Question

As I was walking to my dreadful lab today, I noticed a graffitied statement on an exterior door that I've never before noticed. In bright red marker it said, "Pain plagues me like the night plagues an insomniac." Just as bright as it was marked, it slapped me in the face and even caused me to curl my brow and give a slight, "hm."

I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since, almost 8 and a half hours later. What a sad yet profound statement. I've experienced both to a pretty good degree. Not really physical pain much but more emotional pain with dealing and healing and also a great amount of insomnia. Both are most certainly connected and both fuel each other no doubt. That's not what made this statement a "hm" statement. No, see, what made this statement a "hm" statement was how true it is in our spiritual lives.

See, when we experience the pain in our lives or when we go through a time of growing it causes us to wonder if there will ever be tomorrow. A day when that won't be the case. A day when we can be on the other side once again and experience God's grace. God's rest. God's comfort. Just as any building moment, such as working out, we go through cycles of hard work, pain, and perseverance followed by a time of rest and relaxation to build those muscles. An insomniac's biggest desire is for the morning to come, for rest to ensue. It's the process and the time of waiting for the night to end that is the biggest struggle.

The night of morning, pain, sorrow, grief plagues the wearying Christian until he or she desires absolutely nothing more than deliverance--and I'm not talking about the movie...See, but here's the thing--there will be a dawn. There will be tomorrow. Morning will inevitably come. Because, if there's one thing an insomniac definitely knows is that morning always shines it's bright face after the night falls. The sun is always there even when it's hidden and rest finally does fall upon the weary. Don't give up. Don't lose heart. Stick with God and He WILL give you rest!

"The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
He rescues them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
The righteous face many troubles,
but the Lord rescues them from each and every one.
For the Lord protects them from harm--
not one of their bones will be broken."
-Psalm 34:17-20 (NLT)

February 09, 2010

The Power Struggle

Today in my class of the history of marriage in America, I couldn't help but notice that our topic of discussion always seems to revolve around who had power in a marriage back in the day. The man had explicit power over his wife during that time period and the wife was expected to subject to his authority over her and "submit" to his leadership. Women, on the other hand, did, or at least could, have a great deal of power behind the scenes in the way of manipulation and essentially in destroying her husband's character. Divorce wasn't really a common option and in order to obtain one, it was a very lengthy and expensive process that required proof of adultery. As a result, in order to get out of an unhappy marriage by other means, the wife, usually, or sometimes the husband would just run off and leave their spouse and children behind. So then the discussion became, who gained or kept power in the marriage in these situations?

Who cares!

No one should have power in that marriage. That's probably why they failed so often or why the people were so unhappy in their marriage. Of course, that shows why marriage back in the day was so messed up--men were seen as superior, seen as masters over their wife--but then I left questioning, so why is marriage so messed up now?

It seems like there has been an increase in issues, in general, over the past few hundred years such as pollution, global climate change, population growth, broken families, and of course marriage. You look at the graphs and you see a steady increase until the past 50-100 years and, BAM, a huge rise in each of these areas. Why?

I wish I knew...

I was flipping through the stations on the radio on my way home from this class and heard the word "submission" on a Christian radio station and stopped. I listened to the discussion about the relationship between men and women in a marriage relationship and how submission plays a role in that. Submission. What a word with a strong connotation in today's society. Is it because we mishandled it back in the 1600-1800's?

Submission. What does it really mean? When Paul was talking about the roles of a husband and wife in Ephesians 5, he referred to the husband as the Greek word "kephale"--the head of his wife. "Kephale" is an interesting word and one that Paul chose wisely to prove his point. It is a military term that denotes the first into battle. It doesn't have the meaning or connotation that we give the word "head" in today's society. It doesn't mean that the man controls or rules over his wife, it means that he is to proceed her into battle. Paul specifically did not use the Greek word "archae" which would denote a leadership relationship or a ruler over someone or something. When he is speaking of the wife he uses the word "hupatasso" which means "to subject to" if used in the verb form. Here, Paul uses the imperative form when talking to the wives. If you're like me and can't exactly remember literary terms, the imperative form is the command form of a word. Here Paul is telling women to humbly subject themselves to their husbands--NOT out of fear or obedience but out of the knowledge that her husband is going first into battle and is bringing useful and beneficial knowledge back to protect her and lead her along. After all, the verse before Paul tells women to submit to their husbands he tells wives and husbands to submit to each other. How can two people submit to each other while one is supposed to be in charge and the other the follower (5:21-22)? How can two parts equally join together to make one whole when one of the parts is superior to the other? Oh wait...they can't ;)

Paul is a wise guy and I think it's no coincidence that he starts off this area of talking about marriage relationships with instruction to men, then to women, then to children, then to the slaves. He does this in order of importance, in my opinion. The men are first into battle, the women are next in line and are fighting alongside him, the children come last and are protected by both parents and the slaves come at the end to round up the troop. Right after talking about this family relationship, Paul then goes into talk about the spiritual armor we are to use in our lives. Coincidence that so much vocab is of military origin? I think not. I think Paul is specifically laying it out for us how we are to go into spiritual battle that we face every single day. The men are our warrior heroes on the front lines, followed by their faithful wives, then children, then slaves to cover the back end. He closes this all up with how we protect and guard ourselves during this time. Real Life.


Paul flipping rocks and I have to say, I think we have it all wrong in our society and in actuality, always have. Things in marriage aren't necessarily getting worse, just the outcomes of the flaws are carried out differently. Divorce is more acceptable in today's society so people go into marriage with a mindset of the possibility of a quick out if things should go awry, not considering the full effect of the term commitment.

Times really haven't changed, just the form of the outcome has. Hmm, what will they think of next?

January 08, 2010

The Painful Exposure

Tonight, my friend Jess and I watched "My Sister's Keeper." It was a dec movie but the thing that got me most was how mature this 13 or 14-year-old girl truly was. Kate had cancer and so many times she had to be the one to bring her family back to reality and to bring them back together. She lived her life in constant pain but yet she never complained.

This theme is something that has really plagued my heart these past few months. Our bodies are in such despair after the Fall--yearning to be perfected and lifted beyond the weight of sin. We are in constant physical, mental, and emotional pain and some of us more than others. The thing is, we often complain and focus on that pain so much that we look for a quick out.

That's not His plan. That, my friends, is how NOT to glorify God. God asks us to glorify Him in all situations and to rise above those moments. Each of these moments are character-building times. It can be as subtle as not popping that aspirin when you get that headache or not downing that caffeine when you got 6 hours of sleep rather than the usual 8 you're used to.

See, when we are comfortable with our non-headache periods of time or with our restful night of sleep, it is SO easy to be a "good" or "nice" person. Only when the mask of comfort is removed do we see our true selves. Only in those moments can we truly hone in on our character and who God calls us to be. It's easy to read Scripture when you're body isn't aching. It's easy to love your friend well when you've gotten plenty of rest. It's easy to keep your temper under control when you're not hungry.

I often get headaches--often bad ones and even several migraines. Unless it is critical for me to be without that type of pain (i.e. driving long distances) I strive to fight through that pain without medicine. It is in these circumstances I am able to be stripped away of what I often hide behind--comfort. It is in these circumstances I am able to see myself for who I truly am. It is in these circumstances that I am forced to alter my attitude for the good of others and for the good of glorifying God anyways.

Medicine can be and is a very vital tool for life, yes. BUT don't let it be your out. Don't let it rob you of the ability to see yourself for who you truly are. I beg you to evaluate the necessity of that medicine you're taking. It's usually covering up a deeper issue. That anxiety medicine...why do you have anxiety? That antidepressant medicine...why are you depressed? I understand that it can be chemical and all biological reasons, but what if it isn't. Aren't you then just running away from the deeper issue and coating it with numbness?

The next time you snap at someone, aren't thinking rationally, or are being a bad friend to someone don't use the same excuse. Don't say it's because you're tired, hungry, or in physical pain. That may be the case, but is that the cause or the cover? Why let Satan pick you off as an easy target?