Yesterday I went running (I know I was surprised too, it's been a little while) and I really enjoyed the time I had to just think and experience the beautiful sunset. One thing that really caught my attention was our relationship with an infinite, perfect God and sin.
God isn't a God of rules and regulations and things you have to follow, He's a God of love and power and grace. There are certain things He tells us He wants us to do for ourselves because He knows the pain and heartache that goes along with so many things we can do. Obvously, just like a small child whose parent tells it not to put that dirty toy in its mouth, we disobey because we want to experience it for ourselves. We don't want to be told what to do even if it's probably best for us, why? Why not?
This wasn't what hit me at that moment, it's not that intense right, what hit me like whoa was this verse mixed with the following thought, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body" (1 Corinthians 6:18). One translation even says to "Run from sexual sin!" This is what the Bible is saying about sexual immorality right? ...But think about it in context of all sin. Now Scripture is saying especially with sexual sin because it is within the body and it takes on a whole new meaning because of it...however, I don't think it's right to only flee sin in the context of sexuality. After all, there are particular verses that address all sin as well: "But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness"(1 Timothy 6:11), 1 Corinthians 10:13, etc.
People choose different physical boundaries within their relationship depending on their values, desires, needs, etc. Some people are less strict and some people more. One thing that came to mind as I was getting tired running, were the people who choose not to kiss until they're married or at least for a long time within the relationship...whoa, weird. Ha, that's funny that I say that considering I'm one of those people...of course I never ever thought I would be.
A lot of people ask why that's such a big deal to me or why that's even a reasonable option and that's what I was thinking about yesterday. See, I want to make sure that what I do isn't just for the sake of doing it to test myself (like deciding not to kiss until marriage), I want to do it in order to truly develop more into a woman of God that He created me to be. As I was thinking of the pros and cons of it, it hit me--this type of "extended" boundary helps to account for my own humanity. See, we as humans always "go too far." But what exactly does that mean? What does it have to mean? Really, you can only "go too far" by crossing that line of your the boundaries that you set for yourself because those are important to you. A person may make it their rule to not have sex and they may "go too far" without going all the way because they got a little too close. If a person accounts for this and makes a rule to not kiss, for example, even if they "go too far" it hasn't necessarily gotten to the point where they got a little too close to having sex.
Now I know, this may be a little strange to think about, but truly think about it. Now I'm not saying this was my train of thought in deciding this for now, because it kind of just happened by accident, but it really made me think. This doesn't only have to apply to physical boundaries within relationships either...remember, there's other sin out there ;)
See, what if instead of making it our priority to not do the sin that God says isn't good in the Bible, what if we took the initiative to take the next step and to not even get close. We don't want to test the waters and see how far we can push the envelope with God like we did with our parents when we were 3. Why not, instead of getting as close to the line without crossing it, do more to stay so far away from it that we can't even see it? Why not flee from sin or run away from sin instead of flirting with it? Why not account for our humanity and make sure we're serving God full heartedly instead of serving ourselves in the process?
Now I'm not saying you have to make it a rule in your relationship to not kiss or whatever or whatever. Not my job to say that. I'm saying, you know yourself better than you let on and you know when you're probably sinning without "going all the way" (that doesn't just apply to sexual immorality now). How could you change yourself for the better just by not even getting close? Think about it.
"Getting close to a line without crossing it" or "going too far" when talking about "sexual immorality" seems to hold the assumption that sex.... actual intercourse itself... is the proverbial "line" we cant cross. The universal line dividing good and bad, too-far and almost-too-far. I remember talking to someone about my own boundaries within my relationship. The general attitude was that everyone sets different boundaries, and who's to say if they are good or bad boundaries because some people are just more strict than others...BUT sex itself, that is definitely bad. The bible is so so vague about what is "sexual immorality" and maybe you've read my blog arguing that even the word 'fornication' refers to prostitution, adultery, incest, things like that-- not a big blanket over all sex between two people without a marriage license... I don't know where I'm going with this but the whole idea of "avoid it all together instead of seeing just how far you can go" got me thinking about what we collectively consider as the TOO-FAR point when it comes to "sexual immorality", and it seems to be sex itself. Everything else seems to be up for debate. Anyway I like this blog especially as it applies to other sin, because we definitely find "loopholes" that enable us to still "kind-of" sin. Like, being passive aggressive. You're not REALLY being mean, just KIND of, but you can always say you didn't mean to or deny that you're doing it because it's indirect. I'm rambling now. Love your blog. I didn't know you'd decided on the no-kissing thing. I like learning things about you!
ReplyDeleteAH this is the most spastic comment ever. Sorry, I'm a little hyped on caffeine!