June 08, 2009

Day 18 of the Great Storm Chase!

Today was the last day of a long journey...Our trip only lasted 18 days but it seemed like years! Ha, it's true.

We started our day with a meeting at our hotel--not struck by a tornado last night--in Chillicothe, MO. We met to discuss the weather outlook for the day and to see if there was anything worth chasing or if we should just head straight home. After discussing that there was a slight risk for central and northeastern Illinois with not the best indices, we decided that it would be best if we just headed straight home. If anything did fire up, which it appears that some things did in those areas right about now, we knew that we would be losing daylight fast--like the past few days. Also, we knew that we would have to sit around and wait for things to happen, like we had to do the past few days, with the chance that nothing would happen, like the past few days. There really wasn't a big reason to try to chase since that would've put us back in Indiana at about 1-2 am.

Today, we just reflected on our time and drove. Nothing too special really. We ended up getting back to the suburbs of Indianapolis at about 7:30 pm or so and now I'm home. I think it's going to be strange not smelling horrific things all the time, although there's always my dad haha, and not having to see the same 11 people every moment of my waking hour. I think the weirdest adjustment, though, will be not feeling like a nomad and living in a van (not down by the river lol).

Thanks for being loyal followers of my blog and I invite you to check this site often because although I won't be blogging about sweet storm stories, or lack-there-of, I do love to blog about other things and things that I'm passionate about. Who knows, maybe I'll chase on my own a little bit too when things pop up around the area and I'll blog about those experiences...Thanks again and sorry I couldn't get a tornado for ya!


  1. Welcome home! You will never look at the good old U.S. the same way again. Auntie M

  2. Glad that you are safely home.
    Enjoyed following your trip! Aunt Judy
